Including the talent subject (BC) there are 3 levels

  • Level I
  • Level II - Talent Subject (Business Communication /BC)
  • Level III - Talent Subject (Business Communication /BC)

You can refer the new syllabus from below link,
Syllabus | The Association of Accounting Technicians (aatsl.lk)

Each level consists of 4 subjects (12 Technical subjects). In addition, there is 1 more subject that is Business Communication - BC (Talent Subject).

To become a Passed finalist (PF),BC subject also need to be completed along with the main 12 subjects.

  • Level I 04 subjects - 3 hour papers
  • Level II 04 subjects - 3 hour papers
  • Level III 04 subjects - 3 hour papers
  • 1 Talent subject - 3 hour paper

Note: 15 minutes additional reading time is allowed for each paper at Level II and Level III.

  • In order to pass a level, a candidate should obtain a minimum of 50 marks for each subject.
  • Even though students may be absent or fail any subject of any level, “C” grade for a subject is considered as a pass (“C” grade is given for 50 marks). Subject-wise passes are allowed.
  • Final results will be released as “Pass” or “Fail” together with the grading.

Yes, you can apply for examinations in any medium. However, make sure to complete each level entirely in one medium.

Twice a year: January and July (3rd and 4th weekends).

Note: July 2025 Examination will be held on 26th, 27th July 2025 & 02nd, 03rd August 2025 weekends

July 2025 Examination - From 07th April 2025 to 15th May 2025
(Which will be held in the months of July & August 2025)

  • July Examination : 30th April - Tentative dates
  • January Examination : 31st October - Tentative dates

For July 2025 Examination 15th May 2025
(Which will be held in the month of July & August 2025)

Yes. Within 7 days after the closing date of the examination with a late exam fee of 50% of the normal fee.

For July 2025 Examination – 26th May 2025
(Which will be held in the months of July & August 2025)

There is a green colored application form to be used for the examination. If you are an Active student for the current year you will receive an examination application form by post.

  • Active Students - Newly registered students + Students whose renewals are up-to-date

If you have not applied for the examination by submitting the above mentioned application you can apply through on-line during the examination application calling period.

  • Newspaper advertisements are published in the English and Sinhala media.
  • SMS is sent to each active student. (Please update Registration division If your contact details has been changed E.g.: Telephone No, Address, Email)
  • Through Accredited Education Centres (AECs.)
  • AAT Branches
Level One Subject (LKR) Two Subjects (LKR) Three Subjects (LKR) Four Subjects (LKR)
Level l 2,200/- 4,400/- 6,600/- 8,800/-
Level ll 2,700/- 5,400/- 8,100/- 10,800/-
Level lll 2,900/- 5,800/- 8,700/- 11,600/-
BC 2,700/-      

Note: Examination Fees should be calculated based on the No of Subjects you are willing to apply

A specific payment voucher will be sent along with the exam application. Exam payment should be made to Bank of Ceylon branches only using the payment voucher sent.

  • Through Online
  • To CDM Machines
  • To any other banks except Bank of Ceylon (BoC)

Yes. Level I and Level II can be applied subject-wise. What subject/s are applied is decided by you. But in Level III, you should apply all failed/absent subject/s together in subsequent attempts. No choice is available to you at the Level III.


  • Further, you can choose any combination of subjects from these 2 levels
  • If you want, you can sit for Level II first and attempt Level I in the next examination.

Note:If you are eligible for subject exemptions (from O/Ls or other qualifications/exams), you are required to obtain it before applying for AAT Examination.

It is decided by you. AAT examination centres are located island-wide. There are 14 cities with Examination centres. (Colombo, Kandy, Ampara, Jaffna, Batticaloa, Badulla, Matara, Galle, Kalutara, Ratnapura, Kurunegala, Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Gampaha) Your nearest city can be selected.

No. You must complete Level I and Level II, to be eligible to sit for Level III examination.

If you are eligible for subject exemptions (from O/Ls or other qualifications/exams), you are required to obtain it before applying for AAT Examination. You can obtain an application from AAT counter /AAT Branches, and a separate fee need to be done.

Examination Year of Assessment
July 2024 2023/2024
January 2025 2023/2024

Yes, you should apply for all the subjects at Level III. Fail or absent subjects should be applied together. No choice is available to apply for selected subject/s.

Yes. You will be able to pass. You will get your results subject-wise.

If you get an A, B or C passes as results those subjects are considered as passed subjects. For you to pass a subject the minimum requirement is to get a C pass. (Marks range to obtain a C pass is 50% to 59%)

In the next attempt you can apply for the subjects for which you were absent /failed last time and complete the Level III.

Yes. You will be able to pass. You will get your results subject-wise.

If you get an A, B or C passes as results those subjects are considered as passed subjects. For you to pass a subject the minimum requirement is to get a C pass.

In the next attempt you can pass the subjects for which you were absent last time and complete the Level II.

However, it is not compulsory to sit for all absent / failed subjects at one attempt.

Yes. You will be able to pass. You will get your results subject-wise.

If you get an A, B or C passes as results those subjects are considered as passed subjects. For you to pass a subject the minimum requirement is to get a C pass.

In the next attempt you can pass the subjects for which you were absent or failed and complete the Level I or Level II.

However, it is not compulsory to sit for all absent / failed subjects at one attempt.

You will be receiving the Admission Card through post to the postal address that you have given to the AAT Sri Lanka. If not you can collect from;

  • Head Office or any AAT branch or
  • Download the e-admission from the AAT web site. You need to take a print out and get it attested

Yes. 50% of the normal exam fees could be transferred to the next immediate examination only. However, the following documents should be forwarded to AAT examination division within two weeks from the date of examination to obtain the “Credit Note” of 50%:

  • Original Admission Card
  • Written request
  • Medical Certificate

However, you can apply for a Credit Note only in below instances due to bad health:

  • If you were absent for all the applied subjects in the same Level
  • If you were absent for the BC Subject

Yes. Within 2 weeks (14 days) of the last date of the examination.
(Refer Q.24)

Credit Notes are issued only for the Medical Certificates produced by students who failed to sit for all the applied subjects due to sickness.

After completing Level I examination, you can apply for BC subject either at Level II or Level III.

Yes. You can apply for BC subject at a different attempt. If you wish so, you can apply for BC after completing Level III.

To become a Passed finalist (PF), BC subject also need to be completed. To obtain exemptions from other qualifications you must need to become a Passed Finalist.

Student should get 50 marks for BC subject.

Those will be tested through 3 hour written paper.

To become a Diploma in Accounting & Business (AAT Passed Finalist), a student should complete all 3 levels and also must complete the BC subject.

No. You can’t. In order to be a Passed Finalist, you need to pass BC or you need to get exemptions for BC.

No. You can’t do so under any circumstances.

No. We do not refund exam fees under any circumstances. If you want to transfer your exam fees to the next immediate examination you should make a written request before finalizing your Admission Card.

  • Within 60 days from the completion of examination, results will be published.
  • Individual result sheets will be posted via normal post.
  • Results will be published in the AAT website.
  • SMS is sent to each student
  • Prize Winner should apply for all the subjects of relevant level and it shall be his / her first attempt.
  • He / She should get the highest marks for each subject.
  • If you fail or get absent for any subject, then you will be disqualified from being a Prize Winner.
  • If you fail, get absent or obtained exemptions for any subject, then you will be disqualified from being a Prize Winner.

Yes. You can, if your original result sheet is lost or damaged and the following procedure should be followed:

  • You have to obtain the application for a duplicate application from the AAT Head Office /AAT Branches or download from the following link:

    Application for a Duplicate Sheet

  • You need to pay Rs. 500/= per result sheet which can be done to cashier at AAT Student Service Centre (H/O) or to Bank or Online via AAT website.
If Paying to Bank:
Payment Centres: Any branch of National Savings Bank (NSB) or Hatton National Bank (HNB)
Account Numbers:
  • NSB (90_ _ _ _ 2301989)
  • HNB (039020327099)
Payment Voucher: Use the cash deposit slips available at the bank to make the payment [Don’t pay at the Cash Deposit Machines (CDM)]
Payment Reference Number: Write your 7 digit Student Registration Number followed by prefix “88” (Eg: 88 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
NOTE: If you are paying at NSB, you may write the above reference number (starting with 88) in the space allocated for the Depositor’s name. If you are paying at HNB, you may write the above reference number in the space allocated for “Depositor’s Reference Number”.

If Pay Online :
- Can pay only using Credit Cards
- Go to Online Payment
- Select " Student Rag No " as Account Type
- Write your 7 digit Student Registration Number followed by prefix “88” inside the " Account ID" Box (Eg: 88 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
- State as "Payment for Duplicate Result Sheet" inside the "Pay for" Box
- After Filling all the details check again and click " SEND"

  • Along with the duly completed application form, the payment slip or pay-in-slip with machine validation or Online Receipt should be submitted.
  • On submission of above documents duly completed in the proper manner, you will be able to get it in 3 working days.
  • Documents can be submitted to AAT Head Office .If it is difficult, can submitted to AAT Branches and they will direct them to AAT Head office.

The following procedure should be followed:

  • You have to obtain the application for an academic transcript from the AAT Office or download from the following link:

    Application for a Transcript

  • You need to pay Rs. 3,500/= (affecting from 1st of April 2023). This can be done to cashier at AAT Student Service Centre/ to Bank / Online through Website
If Paying to Bank:
Payment Centres: Any branch of National Savings Bank (NSB) or Hatton National Bank (HNB)
Account Numbers:
  • NSB (90_ _ _ _ 2301989)
  • HNB (039020327099)
Payment Voucher: Use the cash deposit slips available at the bank to make the payment [Don’t pay at the Cash Deposit Machines (CDM)]
Payment Reference Number: Write your 7 digit Student Registration Number followed by prefix “88” (Eg: 88 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
NOTE: If you are paying at NSB, you may write the above reference number (starting with 88) in the space allocated for the Depositor’s name. If you are paying at HNB, you may write the above reference number in the space allocated for “Depositor’s Reference Number”.

If Pay Online :
- Can pay only using Credit Cards
-Go to Online Payment
- Select " Student Rag No " as Account Type
- Write your 7 digit Student Registration Number followed by prefix “88” inside the " Account ID" Box (Eg: 88 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
- State as "Payment for Transcript " inside the "Pay for" Box
- After Filling all the details check again and click " SEND"

  • Along with the duly completed application form and the payment slip or pay-in-slip with machine validation or Online Receipt, you have to submit copies of all your AAT results sheets in proper order.
  • On submission of all the above documents properly you will be able to get the transcript within 5 working days.
  • Documents can be submitted to AAT Head Office .If it is difficult, can submitted to AAT Branches and they will direct them to AAT Head office.

Yes. For more details refer to Exemptions for AAT Passed Finalists

Further, details regarding this will be sent by post along with the Final Result Sheet,
(Refer Q 40, 41, 42, 43 & 44 to know about how to apply for exemptions)

  • You can obtain the application from the AAT Head Office /AAT Branches or can download it from the following link:

Application for Exemptions from CASL

  • You need to pay Rs. 2,200/= (affecting from 1st of April 2023) to the bank. Banking details are as follows:
Payment Instructions:
Payment Centres: Any branch of National Savings Bank (NSB) or Hatton National Bank (HNB)
Account Numbers:
  • NSB (90_ _ _ _ 2301989)
  • HNB (039020327099)
Payment Voucher: Use the cash deposit slips available at the bank to make the payment
[Don’t pay at the Cash Deposit Machines (CDM)]
Payment Reference Number: Write your 7 digit Student Registration Number followed by prefix “88”
(Eg: 88 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
NOTE: If you are paying at NSB, you may write the above reference number (starting with 88) in the space allocated for the Depositor’s name. If you are paying at HNB, you may write the above reference number in the space allocated for “Depositor’s Reference Number”.

If Pay Online :
- Can pay only using Credit Cards
- Go to Online Payment
- Select " Student Rag No " as Account Type
- Write your 7 digit Student Registration Number followed by prefix “88” inside the " Account ID" Box (Eg: 88 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
- State as "Payment for CA Exemption" inside the "Pay for" Box
- After Filling all the details check again and click " SEND"

  • Along with the duly completed application form and the pay-in-slip with machine validation, you need to submit a copy of the AA3 level / Final level result sheet of AAT examination.
  • On submission of duly completed above documents in proper manner, you will be able to get the Recommendation Letter with the results sheets certified by authorized personnel at AAT office within 3 working days from the date of submission of documents.
  • Documents can be submitted to AAT Head Office .If it is difficult, can submitted to AAT Branches and they will direct them to AAT Head office.
  • You can obtain the application from the AAT Head Office /AAT Branches or can download it from the following link:

Application for Exemptions from CIMA-UK

  • You need to pay Rs. 2,200/= (affecting from 1st of April 2023) for the letter which can be done to cashier at AAT Student Service Centre (H/O) or to Bank or Online via AAT website:
Payment Instructions:
Payment Centres: Any branch of National Savings Bank (NSB) or Hatton National Bank (HNB)
Account Numbers:
  • NSB (90_ _ _ _ 2301989)
  • HNB (039020327099)
Payment Voucher: Use the cash deposit slips available at the bank to make the payment
[Don’t pay at the Cash Deposit Machines (CDM)]
Payment Reference Number: Write your 7 digit Student Registration Number followed by prefix “88”
(Eg: 88 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
NOTE: If you are paying at NSB, you may write the above reference number (starting with 88) in the space allocated for the Depositor’s name. If you are paying at HNB, you may write the above reference number in the space allocated for “Depositor’s Reference Number”.

If Pay Online :
- Can pay only using Credit Cards
- Go to Online Payment
- Select " Student Rag No " as Account Type
- Write your 7 digit Student Registration Number followed by prefix “88” inside the " Account ID" Box (Eg: 88 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
- State as "Payment for CIMA Exemption" inside the "Pay for" Box
- After Filling all the details check again and click " SEND"

  • Along with the duly completed application form and the pay-in-slip with machine validation, you need to submit copies of all three levels results sheets of AAT examination.
  • On submission of duly completed above documents in proper manner, you will be able to get the Recommendation Letter with the results sheets certified by authorized personnel at AAT office within 3 working days from the date of submission of documents.
  • Documents can be submitted to AAT Head Office .If it is difficult, can submitted to AAT Branches and they will direct them to AAT Head office.
  • You can obtain the application from the AAT Head Office /AAT Branches or can download it from the following link:

Application for Exemptions from ICMASL

  • You need to pay Rs. 2,200/= (affecting from 1st of April 2023) for the letter which can be done to cashier at AAT Student Service Centre (H/O) or to Bank or Online via AAT website:
If Paying to Bank:
Payment Centres: Any branch of National Savings Bank (NSB) or Hatton National Bank (HNB)
Account Numbers:
  • NSB (90_ _ _ _ 2301989)
  • HNB (039020327099)
Payment Voucher: Use the cash deposit slips available at the bank to make the payment [Don’t pay at the Cash Deposit Machines (CDM)]
Payment Reference Number: Write your 7 digit Student Registration Number followed by prefix “88” (Eg: 88 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
NOTE: If you are paying at NSB, you may write the above reference number (starting with 88) in the space allocated for the Depositor’s name. If you are paying at HNB, you may write the above reference number in the space allocated for “Depositor’s Reference Number”.

If Pay Online :
- Can pay only using Credit Cards
- Go to Online Payment
- Select " Student Rag No " as Account Type
- Write your 7 digit Student Registration Number followed by prefix “88” inside the " Account ID" Box (Eg: 88 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
- State as "Payment for CMA Exemption" inside the "Pay for" Box
- After Filling all the details check again and click " SEND"

  • Along with the duly completed application form and the pay-in-slip with machine validation, you need to submit copies of all three levels results sheets of AAT examination.
  • On submission of duly completed above documents in proper manner, you will be able to get the Recommendation Letter with the results sheets certified by authorized personnel at AAT office within 3 working days from the date of submission of documents.
  • Documents can be submitted to AAT Head Office .If it is difficult, can submitted to AAT Branches and they will direct them to AAT Head office.

Yes, you can. The procedure applied for Q40, Q41 and Q42 should be followed. However, the amounts of the payment are as follows
(affecting from 1st of April 2023):

  • For all three exemptions - Rs. 2,700/=
  • For any two exemptions - Rs. 2,400/=

For that you need to obtain an academic transcript from AAT Sri Lanka: Q38

No. We publish results after very careful scrutiny. No re-correction is permitted as a policy.

New syllabus will be effective from year 2020 July examination.

Yes and they are available in all three medium (Sinhala, Tamil & English)

Study Packs can be purchased from AAT Head Office and AAT Branches.

Please refer below table

Study Packs

The prices of study texts are as follows. There is no difference in prices medium - wise.

 Level   Subject   Price (Rs.)
 Level  01  101 - Financial Accounting (FAC)  1,000/-
 102 - Business Mathematics & Statistics (BMS)  1,250/-
 103 - Economics (ECN)  950/-
 104 - Business Environment (BEN)  1,000/-
 Level-I Total   4,200/-
 Level  02  201 - Advanced Financial Accounting & Costing (AFC)  1,500/-
 202 - Information Systems in Digital Environment (ISD)  850/-
 203 - Business Law (BLA)  1,100/-
 204 - Business Management (BMA)  1,450/-
 Level-II Total   4,900/-
 Level 03  301 - Financial Reporting (FAR)  1,450/-
 302 - Management Accounting & Finance (MAF)  1,000/-
 303 - Financial Controls and Audit (FCA)  950/-
 304 - Corporate & Personal Taxation (CPT)  900/-
Level-III Total   4,300/-
 TC  310 - Business Communication (BCS)  750/-


  • Pay the relevant amount to BoC bank , A/C No : 165139
  • Then email a copy of the payment voucher and your details to finance@aatsl.lk

Note: Before you proceed with the payment please contact AAT Head Office /AAT Branches for further details.

Tel. Number: (011) 2559669, Ext. 501 - 510

Fax Number: (011) 2559672

E-mail: exams@aatsl.lk

Hotlines: 0114377007 /0741504738

Contact us on the following Telephone Numbers:

  • Exam Application: (011) 2559669 Ext. 506 / 509 / 510
  • Result Sheets / Transcript: (011) 2559669 Ext. 508
  • Hotlines: 0114377007 /0741504738