What is student renewal?
Registered students of AAT Sri Lanka are required to maintain their studentship active until they complete AAT exams. Initial registration of a student or a renewed studentship for a particular calendar year is valid only for the year of registration / renewal and needs to be renewed annually for the forthcoming year. Annual studentship renewal is required irrespective of whether you apply for an exam in the particular year or not to remain an active student. Only active students can apply for AAT Examinations or Exemptions, receive correspondence from AAT & be entitled to the privileges granted by AAT.
Renewal notices are posted to all the active students of a particular calendar year, at the end of the year and the students are required to renew before the 30th of December. If the renewal notice is not received by the beginning of December, students are required to contact AAT. Students are requested to ensure that they update the change of the address, mobile number and the email address in writing to receive correspondence timely and properly.
How much is the renewal fee and what is the deadline?
Current student renewal fee for those who have an active studentship to date is Rs.2,250/=. Late renewals are subject to a penalty of Rs.500/= (if paid after the deadline). If a student has not renewed for more than one year, arrears with late fees for each such inactive years will have to be paid at the time of re-activation. Students are advised to renew annually to avoid any arrears and penalty.
Deadline - 30th December 2024
How to pay the renewal fee?
Following payment options are available;
1. To bank
HNB (A/C No. 039020327099)
Paying Vouchers: Use the general cash deposit slips which are available at the branches of the selected bank.
2. Online - https://aatsl.lk/index.php/en/online-payment
When making the payment under any method (to bank or online), Type 44 followed by your Student Registration Number of 7 digits CORRECTLY (eg:44xxxxxxx). THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP and therefore please make sure that you type this without any mistake. If you do not mention this correctly, your payment will be credited to someone else's account which cannot be corrected subsequently. If you don’t know the 7 digit student registration number, please call AAT on 0112 559 669 or email to studentrelations@aatsl.lk/swarna@aatsl.lk and get the number.
If the renewal PAYMENT IS CORRECTLY MADE USING THE CORRECT PAYMENT REFERENCE NUMBER, studentship will get automatically updated within 3 days of payment. (Students are NOT REQUIRED to send their Student Identity Card to AAT for renewal imprint.)
2025 Renewal Notice ( This deadline is not applicable for 2025 January Intake Students registered after July 2024)
Download - 2025 Renewal notices for January 2025 intake students - English
Download - 2025 Renewal notices for January 2025 intake students - Sinhala
Download - 2025 Renewal notices for January 2025 intake students - Tamil